Registered Charity No: 1136461

New for 2024 - Audio Tour
Around the museum, you will now find posters showing scannable QR code links to audio descriptions of the exhibits. Simply point your phone or tablet at the code to listen to fascinating details of the aircraft.
June 2023 - the museum featured in a video by 'North Wales Boats and Planes'.
New for 2023 - Flight Simulator
We can now offer the chance to fly around Caernarfon Airport - without leaving the ground! Built around the 'Prepar3d' system, this flight sim allows you to choose to fly a range of aircraft.
2024 - Please note that the flight simulator is only available on Mondays & Tuesdays, and that we hope to make it available on more weekdays.

Wales & the Battle of Britain - touring exhibition August 2022:
Created to commemorate the Welsh contribution to the turning point of WWII, the Wales and the Battle of Britain Touring Exhibition was created by the RAF’s Air Historical Branch (Dr Lynsey Shaw) together with Air Commodore Adrian Williams, Air Officer Wales, and his team. Consisting of informative display boards and a video, the exhibition has been touring Wales and will be on display in the museum from Thursday August 25 until Tuesday August 30.